Technology Team

You will find links and resources here from Jamie Gravell, your resource for technology integration, and Jesus DelVal, your resource for technology hardware/software support.

Computer Lab & Cart Signup

Technology Service Request

Mobile Technology Policy for Teachers

Mobile Technology Policy for Students

Responsible and Acceptable Use Policy for Technology in LAUSD


Edmodo School Codes – use LAUSD single sign on to access, then download excel sheet, and search for East Valley.

Visual Thinking Presentation 8.25.15 

Teaching with Infographics

Socrative – survey, open answer, check for understanding, Socrative User Guide

Empowering Educational Technology Blog – maintained by Ms. Gravell (anything you want to contribute please email to

Remind – send text message reminders to students and parents.

Poll Everywhere – check for understanding, get student input, give a poll, etc.

Ms. Gravell’s Web 2.0 Tools – list of great tools to check out for facilitating student collaboration and knowledge sharing.

Google Forms Presentation (2014-2015 academic year)